About Me

Thank you for taking a look at my website and your interest in knowing a little bit about my background.

I started woodworking with an Art background, coming up with an idea on paper then figuring out a way to turn it into a finished piece that was both functional and nice to look at was a skill that fascinated me, and then it grew from there.

I can say that I’ve been interested in all forms of woodwork from back in high school with building car stereo speaker boxes for mine and my friends cars. I remember, one of my first credit card purchases at 17 years old was a table saw that I still own today. Not your typical item that most kids of today or back then would buy, but maybe it was God directing me toward the path I was intended for.

From working at Wickes Furniture in the repair shop and continuing woodwork courses at Orange Coast College, anyone that wanted something made I was quick to take on the challenge. I then moved to Arizona where I had the opportunity to apprentice guitar building with Jerry Bennett at Little Wing Guitars for 2 years. Having that experience helped me with making forms and jigs to keep precise dimensions and shapes on multiple pieces, and most of all patience for all the little details and inlays. Returning back to Orange County I continued woodworking while taking evening courses in Interior Design and managing different departments at Austin Hardwoods in Santa Ana.

In 2006 I received my Contractors License in Cabinetry and Finish Carpentry and decided I should take a leap of faith and begin woodworking full time. Of course, not knowing that shortly after we would experience one of the lowest points in the housing industry in recent years, I just kept with it and didn’t give up. Always making sure I went above and beyond for my client’s satisfaction.

Twenty five years into it and I would not change a single thing. I love being able to create things that my clients start with just an idea and by the time it’s completed, it’s more than what they expected. I’ve been asked many times, what my plans are when I retire? I’m never retiring, I feel so fortunate to have a job that most men, and some women look forward to after their 9 to 5 job is done. Plus, I would be bored silly if I didn’t have something to build out of wood!!

Thanks again for taking the time to know a little more about me. If you have any ideas that you would like to turn into reality, please give me call.

Bill Eilers

“Commit your work to the LORD, and then your plans will succeed.”

Proverbs 16:3